Friday, December 30, 2005

blessings from above

It's amazing how I get more presents during Christmas compared to my birthday. And I thought Christmas is Jesus' birthday...

handmade gift

Anyways, I am not complaining. This Christmas has been special on many levels. Not just because of the gifts. This year I am reminded of God's providence for the things I need and sometimes, want.

Ever since I got myself involved with the Japanese scholarship thingy (and that's a huge chunk of this year), I've been spending quite a bit. Nihon-go lessons, IELTS paper and multiple trips back to campus, just to name a few. Then there were the other indirect costs such as phone calls and mails to Japan.

So much so that came December the one main thought that loomed in my mind was that Christmas would be another purse-draining exercise. We all know how commercialised the festive season has become. I dreaded having to jostle with the other urbanites in a bid to get gifts. Good gifts, mind you.

It didn't help that those that were within my budget looked too tacky and cheap. I was quite sure that there must be a solution to my gift buying woes. With 1 week to Christmas, I was still wracking my brains thinking what to do. I just couldn't endure the traffic jams outside the malls anymore.

In the end, God came through for me. Somehow, in His own way, He provided. It just reinforced the fact that when God answers prayers, it's in His own timing and manner, and most of the times in ways we least expect.

This year, I didn't have to spend as much, but I was able to give a whole lot more presents to more people this time around. Thank God for (the gift of creativity and) unexpected blessings. :)

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