Tuesday, March 25, 2008


One fine morning when I happened to be at the office early, I decided to take some shots with my camera. Just a few weeks before, the guys got excited about seeing Mt Fuji from our office. I didn't want to be left out too!

We have tall glass windows surrounding 2 sides of our walls. That means plenty of natural sunlight into the office and a good view of the surrounding Nakameguro area. Our office is on the Ginza-dori "shopping street", but it's mostly apartments and houses further out, like this view. It's near the station, just about less than 10 minutes walk.

It looks pretty sunny here, but this was taken mid-February, meaning although it was towards the end of winter, temperature was probably 10 degrees Celsius. One of the things I like about Tokyo is the relatively clean air and unpolluted skies (compared to cities like Hong Kong!) There's nothing like blue skies to make your day and lift the mood up. I can't imagine myself living in London.

The other side of the balcony. We're at the top floor, 6th floor to be exact, so the office space is smaller than the other floors, but we have our own balcony. We may even do BBQ one summer day! I keep pestering my boss to put "The Penthouse" or "The Suite" on our business card, just so that we have a snazzier sounding office address.

There's Mt Fuji in the distance. Apparently this can only be seen during winter days as the skies are clear and you have an unobstructed view of the grand mountain. Come summer, there will be clouds and it will be near impossible to catch this. I will echo what some of my friends who've climbed Mt Fuji said, that it's better to admire the view from afar then to be on it and find it barren and void of anything pretty!

But having said that, I'm sure because they had the opportunity to catch the rising sun from the Land of the Rising Sun itself, that itself would have made the grueling climb worth it. Maybe this is the closest I'll get to Mt Fuji, the snow-capped famous cone that has endeared itself to millions of Japanese and the world all over, which image have graced countless paintings and ornaments from clothes to postcards.

*Click on any picture for a larger view

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