Tuesday, October 12, 2004

self torture

I am a sadist. I torture myself sometimes. Don't know why I do that to myself. Maybe it's the pleasure I derive from it. It's like S&M. The more painful, the more pleasurable. I don't know, I've never personally tried it, but I can imagine.

Here I am, having my lunch. Hot and spicy Indian food. Fried bitter gourd, quail eggs in chili sauce, curried mushroom and potatoes, and the must-have rasem soup. My nose is beginning to run and I can feel my face blushing. It's really a delicious meal, but I find it so difficult to eat without downing lots of iced water. And I continue torturing myself with the nice food, and resting once in awhile to gasp for air.

Oh, why do I torture myself so?

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