Thursday, July 12, 2007

kermits during the rainy season

During my walkabouts this evening (I usually do something else other than head straight for the laptop after waking up from my nap!), I decided to go up the SD1 roof. I just wanted to look far to the mountains to train my eyes after hours of strain when from the corner of my eye, I saw this.

A little Kermit perched at the ledge of the wall at the roof. How cute. The first shot was blur, cos I didn't have time to think about adjusting the macro mode of my phone camera in case the froggy jumped off in fright. But since I noticed it was still quite calm and not planning to run away anywhere, I tried again.

It really was a tiny creature, about the length of my thumb. Just as I was about to zoom in for a better shot, it decided to commit suicide. Down it went from the roof to the ground. I could barely hear the tiny thud when it landed on the drain gutter. After a few seconds, it jumped away. It didn't die after all.

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