Tuesday, October 25, 2005

the eye of the storm

The storm has passed, I hope. It has been a rocky journey these past couple of weeks, hence the lack of a proper post in the blog. Noticed how I had to expand on the previous post, that too I thought lacked imagination.

I try to refrain from posting things about the office. I'm not exactly anonymous here, my face is plastered for all to see. Besides, blogging is sorta like an escape from the dreariness of the work place.

Granted, it has always been quite bad here. Just that it reached a peak just last Friday. A colleague whom I've gotten close to was "asked to resign". Without going into details, we both thought the situation in the office has just reached ridiculously preposterous levels.

Because of the unique background of the company, we have not had to deal with just office politics, but nepotism and cronyism as well. Now I understand why my colleagues who've been slaving here for donkey years are still execs, whilst the bosses' friends and family members are all sitting in big plush office rooms with carpeting and custom-made cupboards.

And I've not begun to dwell on the insane cost-cutting policies we have here, whereby we were asked to share PC's and use OpenOffice. I wonder if it has anything to do with the bosses' spending weeks away on holidays, golf trips and birthday parties on whose account I shan't disclose here.

Can I just add also that my boss have this habit of not defending us in front of other bosses, but that she somehow claims credit for her subordinate's ideas? Hmm, I better not. Can't risk an early resignation when my time's not up yet.

In any case I'll keep this short. Amidst all these hanky pankyness, I am reminded again that life is not a bed of roses for Christians. Nor does He guarantee that it will be smooth sailing. But I'm rest assured that whatever happens, His hand is there to guide me. And of course, loving friends who have rallied around me in prayer, have made this journey a little bit more bearable.

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