Saturday, March 17, 2007

what a wacky week!

I've survived the wackiest week of my life!

Tues, 13th Mar : Brand Management presentation
Wed, 14th Mar : Japanese presentation + Mobile Business Strategies presentation
Thurs, 15th Mar : Japanese written test + International Business Management presentation + Business Communications presentation
Fri, 16th Mar : Innovation & Business Development final paper + Japanese conversation test

I thought I was going to die. After they started closing down the on-campus convenience store earlier than usual, we had no where to turn to for instant food. It was such bad timing as we were having our finals and no one would have had the time to cook something decent! I spent most of my meals buying the bento sets or getting pre-cooked food from the vending machine.

With His amazing grace, I am still alive! Woohoo, and came out victorious :D
Now that is a story which I shall happily elaborate later. For I have a party to go to - they're having a Irish-themed party at the lounge tonight and I'm gonna see what drinks Bryan's concocted this time.

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