Saturday, June 09, 2007


Mid-May, the Japanese Language Programme (JLP) had its annual japanese speech presentation. Students were selected from all the courses which are being offered here at IUJ - basic, elementary, intermediate & advanced. I escaped from being chosen from our class but got picked instead for the MC job, together with Aidong, from China.

We had a draft MC script provided to us the week before, and were given briefing about the agenda for the evening. When I first saw the 4-page script, I thought maybe I should've volunteered myself for the presentation instead.

Later I found out that the rest were the instructions and explanation about what was to happen for the 発表会 presentation. Aidong and I modified the speech and divided the task among ourselves and sent the final copy for amendments by our Jap teacher, 竹内先生.

Just a few hours before the event, we went up to the 3rd floor of the Matsushita Library and Information Center (MLIC) to practice. While going through our script, we somehow added gestures to spice up the speech. We thought it silly at first as it was merely to complement instructions such as to ask the audience to remain seated while instructions were given, and where to stack the chairs after the event.

After everyone had finished giving their presentations, and the audience eager to go on to the next event, Aidong and I walked up to the front and began our roles as MC's for the night. As usual, I get heartbeats double triple the normal speed when I stand in front of an audience. But I managed to smile my way through and that somehow left a good impression.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the rapport we had as MC's and was most willing to cooperate when we asked them to help with setting up the tables for the reception. The JLP coordinator later wrote us an email saying what a wonderful job we did. She even said that never had she seen such cooperation from the audience before, they actually didn't stand up from their seats while the MC's were giving instructions.

What a feeling of satisfaction knowing that we did a good job, and a greater surprise that we got an email of acknowledgement and people coming up to us saying they enjoyed our "performance"! Below is the email, I still had to use the translator to get the meanings of some of the kanji :p






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