Monday, November 28, 2005

survived the showcase i did!

When we were asked if we had any prayer requests during last Friday's CG, blursquid and I asked the cell not to come to church for a miracle.

I was a bundle of nerves picture of poise on stage. All I remembered was walking up the stage with my classmates and trying to make sure I was sitting the right way and looking pretty proper while I gave my first performance with an instrument I was still not very familiar with.

At the end of it, the congregation from the Saturday evening service gave an enthusiastic round of applause. Me? I was just glad it was over for the day. Pastor Adam and a fellow guitarist from another class congratulated us for a job "well done!" So a miracle did take place. Either that, or we performed so badly they thought saying something nice would be consoling.

I really couldn't tell. I was too busy getting the fingerings right that everything else became a blur I didn't hear myself play. When the keyboard came in after the 1st transpose, the guitars were practically drowned out. Thank goodness, heh!

I was more than prepared for Sunday's performance, but it was still as scary. It reminded me of when I was back in primary school, backstage and all made up, getting ready for an end-of-the-year concert. Only this time, I was more than just a small kid having fun on stage, oblivious to the expectant looks of the audience.

We actually look quite good together; 5 guitarists, 2 vocalists and solo keyboardist. To cover up for any mistakes make the music sound fuller in that big hall of ours, we had Eximius' drum teacher, piano teacher and guitar teacher play softly in the background.

Now that I've gotten over my first and hopefully my last showcase, I hope the next time won't be as intimidating. Hmmm, I should've ordered a CD of the service...

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