Thursday, February 09, 2006

beach bumming

moo moo ice cream

Barbeque on the balcony
Chicken Wings, salmon sausages, buttered corn, potato salad in mayo, fresh vege
Not too much but filling enough.

Modified UNO game
Red for Jim Bean, green for truth, yellow for eating penalty
I got off scot free!

RISK for tradition
Allies & traitors, Dutch Lady choc milk
Unexpected ending, brown and yellow armies conquer all.

beach hunks

Breakfast wafting
Leftover food, homemade savoury pancake, apple juice, more buttered corn
Kidd's surgical manoeuvre stunned us all.

Morning service at Corus
Songs, Communion with bread & juice, devotion on the lost sheep, sharing & prayers
Simple but refreshingly edifying.

Fun at the beach
Sharks & red swimsuit, balitongs and kungfu stunts, swimming between the legs
Suntanned bodies for remembrance.

beach babes

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