Saturday, February 10, 2007

taking a break from midterm

We're in the midst of our midterms and I'm blogging. That's a good example of what I just mentioned in my previous entry. Plus, it has been a rough week and today's Friday so I thought I deserve some break.

I'm even skipping tomorrow's class trip as I feel it's not worth it. Some of us who's already been to the Northern Culture Museum and don't feel like spending 2 hours of our time on the bus were threatened persuaded to change our minds. After doing some quick calculation, I figure I'm going to lose 1% of my assessment. But imagine, the 8 hours spent for the trip could be more productively used for other subjects, whose % is even higher!

Plus, I already signed up for another class trip to Tokyo, we'll be visiting the Dentsu office. Looking forward to that. The one we had for the Mobile Biz Strategies class last week was to the Softbank and Sony office, which was quite interesting. But mobile does not hold my attention as much as marketing or advertising!

I also had a job interview 2 days ago, with advertising giant McCann Erickson. The EVP himself came to campus to talk to some of us. Since the number of applicants were more than expected, they had to shortlist us. I'm happy to be one of the 3 who were on the job list, 9 went in for internship interviews. I felt I could've done better, but I'm hoping for the best too.

It's active period for job hunting now. Some undergrads apply for jobs 1 year before graduation, and it's not surprising to secure an offer way ahead. Even at IUJ, some recruiters come on campus if the numbers are large. Some have to travel down to Tokyo for their interviews.

I still have one more paper and 4 case studies due next week. Life is overwhelmingly exciting!

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