Monday, July 13, 2009

buon giorno, come sta?

20 hours, Tokyo - Seoul - Milano - Roma. Backpacking with housemate Imm. First time in new country in new continent, and have made and met many new friends.

Each day I learn so many new things about Italy and its people and culture. It's not just about The Godfather, or the Italian Job or Giorgio Armani.

It's about driving through the cobblestone roads winding from the Colosseo through the numerous ruins left by this ancient civilisation, or that their version of mamak is sitting on the steps of Piazza Trilussa with a bottle chatting under the starless summer sky, or the reason why there is not much of a train system in Roma is because everytime they dig underground they find something of archaeological importance.

There are plenty more stories about these past few days. Like how we waited for Obama at Bascilica San Pietro for more than an hour only to find out later that only the First Lady and their daughters appeared for a short tour of the Vatican City.

Internet connection here is not as convenient and reliable as that back in Tokyo, but no complains. We came with our expectations really low, and came prepared for almost anything. So we've had pretty good experiences so far and am glad we came together for this maiden journey to discover Europe on a shoestring budget.

Roma, check. Vatican City, check. Siena, check.

For now, the artsy farsty city of Firenze await us. Good night, signing off at 2:13am July 13 2009.

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