Thursday, April 08, 2004

mr secret agent

You never know how useful having certain connections can be until you get a tip off from them.

The Communic@tions Dept, together with the Hum@n Resources and Leg@l & Custodi@l, are considered P&C departments in my company. We are usually grouped together, not necessarily in the same office space, but on the same floor. (We've had our offices reshuffled at least 3 times in the past 4 years. Methinks company too much $$$ to spend) So it was quite natural that the staff from these departments mingled together and knew each other quite well.

The HR manager would drop by just to chat with the Leg@l head or my boss. We cannot tell whether it's strictly business or just chitchats. You could hear sudden roars of laughter coming in from their offices when they are around. Well, not all business talk have to be serious. Right??

On a few occasions, we have had information on which staff was going to be dismissed due to disciplinary behaviour, which new guy they recruited to be the new Sr President, and which Big Big Boss would be away on their shopping holidays in Europe!

Yesterday, the HR manager came in and seemed to be indulged in one of his usual chitchats with the Leg@l head. As soon as he left, Mr Leg@l came to our side of the office and spoke in a hush-hush tone to my Asst. Manager (AM). Somehow through the grapevine, we found out that the t0p management has planted a spy in the foodcourt.

The spy was assigned to take down the names of staff who went down to have their breakfast after 8:30am. Those found loitering in the foodcourt, eating or buying breakfast would be called in and asked to comment on their during-office-hours-meal.

Well, the 2nd part wasn't really confirmed, but it was preposterous even to have a spy down there. First of all, Mr Secret Agent would have to know the names of ALL STAFF in the company to be able to jot down their names. Secondly, there is no such rule in the Staff Handbook that states eating of breakfast is not allowed during office hours. Thirdly, eating breakfast actually increases the productivity of staff. By refraining them from having the most important meal of the day, their energy level and concentration would be affected.

Fourth, who's going to stop Mr Secret Agent from eating breakfast himself?

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