The colleague and I were supposed to look at the 2nd guest house yesterday, but it was already taken up. The 1st one we saw last week was not quite my taste; location wasn't convenient, there were unwashed pots and pans in the shared kitchen, and worse still, the toilet was unflushed!
I've been scouring over the Internet looking at gaijin houses, guest houses, and apartments which are catered for foreigners. Many have had bad experiences with landlords who prefer not to rent out to foreigners as they do not speak the language. Many a times, the payment upfront is
outrageous and some need to pay as much as 6 months' of rent initially, not including furniture and appliances later on.
While getting busy with this, I was also trying to get flight tickets back home. Japanese travel agents, well at least the ones I know, require you to transfer money from the bank to their account. With much technology and all that, I still cannot understand why credit card usage is so low in this country!
Anyways, a lot of emails to and fro with the No 1 Travel agency finally brought me to an itinerary which I hope will allow me to go back for awhile before starting work proper, attend one of my friend's wedding and still have a place to stay when I come back here. The agent only got back to me yesterday and he told me the deadline was today.
By the time I got his email, the bank had already closed. Even though Japan is known to be a safe country overall, their banks, ATM machines all close early! Some don't even open on weekends and holidays, so you got to have their opening hours memorised somewhere.
So after brunch, I walked out trying to find the nearest Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, of which the travel co had an account. I was worried if I could make the transfer as I did not have an account there. So I approached the security guard asking for help. A Japanese lady behind me overheard us and offered to help me. I explained to her my situation, and she assured me it was not a problem.
So we walked to the ATM machine and she helped me make the transfer. While we were talking, I found out that she herself works for a travel agency. Hmm, perhaps I could get her to make flights for me next time. So there, blessing no. 1 today, after many days of disappointment and seeming bleakness.
On the way back, I decided to get myself an umbrella coz the forecast said that there would be rain today and tomorrow. Since I was out, I decided to check if there were any cheap shops around, like the Y100 shop. I saw a big sign across the street and quickly walked towards it, but only to find that it was some old office of the shop which had already closed down.
By the time I came out, it was already raining. There was no place to take cover so I got wet. I managed to get to the Shibuya station half drenched, hoping the rain would subside. The skies didn't look like it would anytime soon. So I got myself to the nearest information center, but they told me there was no Y100 shop in the area. They pointed me to the 3rd Flr of the departmental store instead.
Not surprisingly, they only had designer umbrellas, averaging Y10,000 each. The ones on sale were selling for Y3,000. I would be crazy to spend so much on an umbrella, especially in my situation. So I hung around the departmental store trying to see if the rain would subside. About half an hour later, a little voice prompted me to go. I said, "Where? It's still raining, isn't it?"
So I walked out, not knowing where I should go since I was not familiar with the area, and it still raining. After awhile, I stopped to see where I was. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw people hogging around a shop just outside the station. I didn't give it much thought since Shibuya station is always packed with humans anyways. But then through the many people in front of me, I managed to see, umbrellas! This was a film and camera shop selling umbrellas in front of their counter, of all things.
No wonder business was brisk. Many umbrellas, from compact, foldable to the long ones, all selling for only Y500. I decided to choose a small one which could fit into my bag, somewhat like the one my mum gave me. Without thinking much, I took the yellow one, symbolising bright days ahead.

Blessing no.2, just like the earlier one, may not seem like something to shout about. But to me, these little gifts were what gave me hope. That there will be better days ahead. That when we listen close enough, God speaks and guides us to where we should go.
The clouds are still hanging low even as I write this. It doesn't look like the rain will go away anytime soon. I have to move out again this evening. But this time I have my umbrella, and most importantly I have Him by my side.