Tuesday, February 22, 2005

me, a guy?

Got this in my email recently...

"Umm, have a confession to make... I have been catching some of your random flakes for awhile now. Accidentally bumped into your blog in December 2004, thought it was a guy's blog, gave it a wide berth, the next day during Headstart Shih Chung told me that was your blog. Didn’t read your whole blogs though, only a few catchy ones, such as your misadventure with a cockroach interloper and the amorous advance of an 6-year old. Thought the last one was pretty funny although he probably needs to learn (the hard way) that a woman's heart - a costliest thing - is not to be won with the reckless dash of a boy, as a child might ask for a toy."

Gosh, if I'm a guy, that makes me a gay! Coz later he added...

"Hehe, I also thought it was a gay's blog. Read about Jeff, you see

When I asked if it was because I thought like a guy in my blog...

"And nay, don't think you have a tendency to think like a guy. Quite a
lot of expressions and feelings in your blogs, most guys wouldn't do


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