Monday, May 16, 2005

right this way, miss...

Have you ever visited a new church, and the ushers inevitably guide you all the way to the front? And those times, you happened to not come on time because you weren't aware of their service times?

For as long as I can remember, for all those times I've visited new churches, this almost always happen to me. Imagine this : you are a stranger in this place, and you decide to visit the local church one Sunday. Because you are new, you have no contacts whatsover, but decide to drop by a church because you felt like checking them out.

And so happened that the praise & worship session has just finished, and everyone's seated, waiting for the pastor to preach his sermon. And just at that moment, you enter the premises. The usher brings you to the first few rows, and shows you your seat, somewhere not too far from where all the pastors and deacons are.

Everyone from the back rows to the pastors in front see you walking. All eyes are on you as you make your way to wherever the usher's bringing you, because it would be quite rude to not do so. After all, he's smiling his widest smile and flashing his whitest grin. He's also just behind you, blocking your exit should you decide that the front is too front for you.

It feels kinda embarrassing because they might think you purposely came late and you just had to show it by sitting in front. Or because you were new and were trying to be friendly, you smile at them, and they give you this look which says "hey, you're late, what you smiling at?"

But because I'm usually visiting those churches with my family, I can find refuge from those looks by walking very near my parents. After all, I was a kid when all these happened, so their stares aint so glaring. Heh!

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