Friday, May 20, 2005

quando quando quando

Michael Buble - It's Time

Yes yes, I got Mr Cutie's latest album for my birthday! Much thanks to my grrlfriends, Adele & Geng. And yes, this wish list thingy works very well for me. I remember getting his first album 2 years back because of this wonderful thing called wish list too.

I used to think wish lists were rather impersonal. Spoilers. You already knew what you would be getting. So when your birthday comes, you aren't so excited anymore. No more delighted squels.

But as we grew up, we found a way to keep the excitement and fun while getting the right gift to the recipient. Get the birthday grrl (or boy, or whatever) to write a long list of things that she would love to have as a gift. So out of the many many things which she has asked for, we will choose one (or more, depending on budget) to buy for her.

She may roughly know what she'll be getting, but there's no knowing for sure which particular one. But just for drama, she may still want to pretend :

OMG! That's what I've always wanted!
Thank goodness! I made 8 trips to all the malls I could think of just to get you this gift. You better like it.

How did you know??
I guess that's because I've got good taste!

Aww, that's so sweet of you grrls!
Uh huh, that's why we're the best grrlfriends you'll ever have.

So, anyways, this album is a blast. My personal favourites are "Quando, quando, quando", "Home", "Save the last dance for me", and "A song for you". My colleague who's getting married in 2 months was telling me she'll be using his songs for her upcoming wedding. I can already imagine the breezy jazz atmosphere that will be setting the theme for the big day.

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