Saturday, January 12, 2008

of snow (or the lack of it) and morning Bible Study

The weather forecast stated possibility of snow today. But I woke up to a cloudy morning and realised it was only raining. This is the earliest I've ever woken up on a Saturday. Well, I'm usually up around 12 coz I feel Saturday is the only day I get to sleep in.

But today was supposed to be our 2nd cross-country Bible lesson after a long while. I must admit, it's not easy. We were quite gung-ho about it in the beginning. Conflicting schedules and other commitments threatened to derail our good intentions to study the book of Job. And just when I was settling down with my Bible & note book, Eewei's Skype (actually it's her friend's coz the connection at her home is so bad) gave us some problems.

I'm still waiting for her to come back online. We've been trying to call each other off and on, but the line kept dropping. In the meantime, I tried to re-read what I wrote in my journal last month. The original Bible Study was supposed to be on the 9th of December (!), and it was to be my turn to lead. But since it's been postponed so long, I've almost quite forgotten what I've written back then.

While waiting for her, I went through some online commentaries as well to refresh my memory about that particular passage. Some fresh thoughts came. Perhaps it was timely, given some recent experiences. Our passage for the day was Job 1:1 - 3:26. Some questions that would draw more discussion than the rest involve the importance of one's spouse in responding to tragedy in life, if it was wrong for Job to curse the day of his birth, and Eliphaz's affirmation of Job.

I have some personal questions too. And I can't wait to share it out with her. But she's still not online, and I'm getting sleepy :D And there's no snow outside. What a pity, it's so cold but there's no snow. For someone like me who'd rather lie on the beach than go to the Alps, the snow would have helped me endure the cold better.

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