Sunday, May 16, 2004

whirlwind 2 : the one with the accident

On the way to the retreat, I received an SMS that one of our friend's father had passed away in an accident. How twisted messages get when passed down from one to another. Turned out that it was our friend, who was on the way back to his home to give an early Mother's Day surprise to his mum. He was driving from KT, and collided with an incoming car which was trying to overtake the car in front.

I saw an obituary ad in the papers when I came back to work after the long weekend. Even though I hardly know him, I've read his posts in the i-bridge yahoogroups, and have roughly gotten to know about him from his writings. I couldn't pinpoint/appreciate his wry humour during those brief moments when we talked, so I thought he was quite a different person from the rest. I heard a lot of his friends travelled down to JB for his funeral and his family was really touched by the show of respect.

Described by some as unassuming and with a passion for the Word, he has certainly touched many, and I guess in a way, I was too. I still keep that piece of ad in my organiser, to remind me how precious and fragile our life is. Perhaps it's true that they say people will not remember what you say, or what you do, but how you made them feel.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" - Psalms 90:12

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