Tuesday, November 30, 2004

of clusters of fruit

Dear Lord,

As much as I feel like a zombie today, I still think yesterday was fab. I hope this lasts forever! We had excellent food and superb fellowship. Thought it was a bit warm because of the yellow lightings, but the guys insisted it was the fellowship. Or was it the topic on virility that flew in from Bangkok?

I'll have to agree with Elaine that even though most of us were handling some of the posts for the first time, we did pretty well. I'll have to give myself a pat on the back for doing something I thought I'd never do. My cousin might think this is all narcissistic, but I think it's good to reward yourself for a job well done, especially if it was a first attempt. :D

I'm trying very hard to stay awake now. Nose running, I think it's the lack of sleep. Shouldn't have washed my hair so late. Since my hair was still wet, I took the opportunity to search some verses. My guess was right, where else could the word "cluster" evoke such response from the guys. The Rev confirmed my suspicion, and Ah Chung's message sounded worried when he found out what I found out.

But, clusters?? That sounds like a lot of, you-know-what. Some of the earlier references like "two fawns" and "twins of a gazelle" sound more reasonable, don't you think? Well, that's the Song of Solomon for you ;) Descriptively poetic.

And o Lord? Please keep me awake for the rest of the day. I haven't been productive at all today!


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